
Regulatory pressures rising for discretionary fund managers

This article is part of
Discretionary Fund Management - October 2013

Mr Rockliffe claims there is still some debate and confusion around who in the relationship has the responsibility for suitability, the DFM or the adviser, but he adds if responsibility falls on the DFM then there will be far more costs and requirements placed on firms than in the past.

Research and consultancy firm Defaqto recently released a guide which in part attempted to delineate who was responsible for which stages of the relationship between a DFM, adviser and client, but the lack of understanding expressed by all sides suggests the regulator may need to step in to communicate its wishes more clearly.

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Among other regulations that recently affected discretionary managers was a ruling from the FSA, and then the FCA, to ban rebates paid by DFMs to advisers that recommend clients to the discretionary manager.

These rebates were seen as totally anathema to the spirit of the RDR and while the removal of them has saved DFMs some money, it has also left them needing to find new ways to attract more business.

Matthew Jeynes is senior reporter at Investment Adviser


- Brewin Dolphin and Charles Stanley have had to raise their fees, and they have cited regulatory pressures for doing so.

- The regulator has clamped down across the industry on whether investments are actual suitable for the clients that are within them.

- There is still some debate and confusion around who in the relationship has the responsibility for suitability, the DFM or the adviser.

- The regulator has clamped down across the industry on whether investments are actual suitable for the clients that are within them.

- There is still some debate and confusion around who in the relationship has the responsibility for suitability, the DFM or the adviser.



According to research and consultancy firm Defaqto, adviser due diligence should be structured to reveal why one service is more ‘expensive’ than another.


Exceptional personal service

A well-resourced research team with a wide range of skills

Expert use of a wide range of investment vehicles that may include alternatives

High quality investment managers (for bespoke clients)

Superior adviser support network

Providing ability to deal with clients with more complex financial affairs

Access to tax wrappers on favourable terms


Excessive trading – portfolio turnover rate should form part of due diligence

Cost of underlying funds may be higher than market average

Outdated systems requiring more manual intervention

Revenue replacement following RDR implementation and changing rules

Lack of scale and resulting inefficiencies

Fund rebates still, at least in part, going back to discretionary manager rather than the client (this is gradually declining now)