In Focus: Home ownership  

'None of the 2008 factors are evident in today's market'

FTA: Have you come across any big price reductions in your area?

MO'B: No, simply the froth being blown off the top.

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FTA: What's your experience with lenders' service levels in the current economic environment?

MO'B: As volumes have dropped service levels are starting to improve, especially from buy-to-let lenders.

It feels residential lenders are now also able to process applications in a reasonable time, which should put to bed the excuse of lenders being reluctant to reduce rates down to the effect on service levels. We will see.

FTA: What's your assessment of Jeremy Hunt's Autumn Statement for the mortgage/property market?

MO'B: As expected, we all pay more tax over the coming years.

Affordability will be squeezed but I will remain with my view that a home is an emotional purchase and the housing market will continue to operate once buyers start to make offers based on current mortgage rates.

FTA: Did any measures stand out in particular?

MO'B: Sorry, nothing really was a surprise, only that everyone that bought an electric car for the tax benefit now will be getting a bill.