Another busy week for this adviser, who values giving the right advice and weighing up alternatives.
After walking our dog Max, I begin most days at my desk by 7am doing administration work so I am free to meet with clients later in the day.
This morning I am meeting a previous client. She released some funds more than five years ago and now wants to see if she can release more.
As the interest rates have decreased it means she can do this at a lower rate than before.
In the afternoon I prepare for my one-to-one meeting with my manager Rachel. We discuss business updates and I receive personal feedback.
Working at Key for more than seven years I find myself giving advice to new recruits, and for the rest of my afternoon I spend time working as a ‘buddy’ to one of the new starters.
This morning I head to Coventry to present at a large mortgage company’s monthly meeting. I explain the benefits and the opportunities of equity release.
For me, it is also important to maintain the relationship with introducers; this is because they have a huge potential to help their own clients.
Today I am on the road by 9am to attend a second appointment in Rugby. This customer is 56. She is still working and wants to release funds to help pay off her son’s debts. In the afternoon, I attend another appointment in Northampton.
The couple were made redundant two years ago and have more than £80,000 of credit card debt, which has been controlling their lives.
It is wonderful to help them enjoy a more secure and less stressful retirement, giving them much-needed peace of mind.
I have three appointments today. The first meeting is with a gentleman who owns a leasehold flat, next to a busy road and a pub.
Usually this would be difficult to place, but I manage to place it and the gentleman will receive £30,000, which will dramatically improve his lifestyle.
I spend the rest of the day finishing off my notes and catching up with a head-office colleague who helps me with spotting opportunities, targeting new clients and personalising my own marketing material, through the company help hub.
After my daily dog walk, today is largely an admin day in the home office as I prepare for the coming week.
I have one meeting in Loughborough to meet a couple who want to release funds from their home. Despite wanting to release equity I look at all their options.
Giving the right advice and looking at other alternatives is important to me in my role.
I have a busy weekend ahead with my daughter’s birthday and my role as club captain at the golf club to look forward to.