In Focus: When Clients' Plans Change  

How is the housing market going to normalise in 2022?

  • To understand what were the 'abnormal' drivers of 2021.
  • To be able to explain better to clients what the housing market will look like in 2022.
  • To ascertain what sort of resources, staff and market analysis firms will need in 2022.

Staff recruitment and retention

The workload has been intense, and there have been reports about large numbers of conveyancers leaving the profession because they found the pace never-ending.

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According to a survey earlier this year by Today’s Conveyancer, 49 per cent of conveyancers had seen colleagues depart because their work was negatively impacting their mental health.

Although our business unfortunately lost some people, we have also managed to attract a considerable number of new staff. A key factor in this was training.

As with IFAs, attracting people into the profession is paramount and it is not enough just to attract people from an existing company.

We need to bring new people into the industry and train them up – and we all have a role to play in this to ensure we have the personnel we need to deliver the standards clients expect from us.

At the beginning of the year we launched an interactive, remote-training academy that allows people to learn from home and brings traditional office and classroom-based learning into the remote-working area.

This has been fundamental to supporting the need to bring new people into the industry.

In fact, with the mortgage market being as it was in 2021 and likely to remain busy for the foreseeable future, new blood is going to be essential.

Adam Forshaw is managing director of legal firm O’Neill Patient


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the author, what seems to be coming back?

  2. What is there still a sense of among customers, according to the author?

  3. Decisions on property purchases are being driven by what, says the author?

  4. True or false: the author says the typical reasons for transactions falling through have not been not related to Covid-19.

  5. What market sector is expected to be very strong this year, according to Forshaw?

  6. Why did so many conveyancers leave their jobs in 2021, according to the article?

Nearly There…

You have successfully answered all the questions correctly, well done!

You should now know…

  • To understand what were the 'abnormal' drivers of 2021.
  • To be able to explain better to clients what the housing market will look like in 2022.
  • To ascertain what sort of resources, staff and market analysis firms will need in 2022.

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