Retirement Income  

Understanding how couples differ in retirement planning

  • Explain how men and women view retirement
  • Identify important decisions that need to be made
  • Explain the impacts of partial annuitisation

Third, annuity decisions need to be rationalised in terms of likely longevity just as annuities are priced against expectations for mortality.

What this means for the better off, whose longevity expectations are above average, is that their opportunity to be the winner among the pool of annuitants is better than average.

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Divorce rates

It might come as a surprise that the average age of divorce is now over 45.

Older life divorces are increasingly the norm.

The group showing the highest growth in divorce rate is among all-female couples who account for three quarters of divorces among same sex couples (in England and Wales).

When they take place at a highly emotional time in life, this can lead to bad choices by the client. 

More than ever, advice is crucial to ensure that tax-efficient splitting of assets will support your client’s longer-term goals.

In 2018 (the most recent figures) there were 118,000 divorces in the UK (ONS) yet only 4,632 pensions sharing orders (Ministry of Justice).

This ratio would seem to reflect a failure by some to take independent financial advice.

Diversity pays

As consumer profiles change, so must financial advice.

Broader thinking is needed to engage traditional clients (men) who might be worried about their spouse’s prospects when they are gone.

Diverse advice is also needed for the new owners of wealth – women.

They live longer, get better divorce settlements than ever, and control the household financial situation more than you might think, in particular in setting the priorities around the generations on either side, the younger and the elderly dependents. 

Nurturing women’s needs is the key to tapping into a whole new style of client base and a whole new landscape for advice.

Patrick Ingram is head of strategic partnerships at Parmenion


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Pick the odd one out. What is driving the financial impoverishment of people in their twenties?

  2. Pick the odd one out. According to Patrick Ingram, what are the effects of partial annuitisation where it is on the basis that the contract is on a joint life basis?

  3. True or false, for most wealthier couples over 50, the man will typically have more than the woman, but she is likely to outlive him.

  4. Pick the odd one out. Why are women the new owners of wealth?

  5. Which of the following is correct?

  6. According to Patrick Ingram, why more than ever is advice crucial during a divorce?

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You should now know…

  • Explain how men and women view retirement
  • Identify important decisions that need to be made
  • Explain the impacts of partial annuitisation

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